Where there is no vision, the people perish.
— Proverbs 29:18


LEADERBUILD is a set of four integrated Thursday evening/Friday/Saturday Gatherings for the entire collaborative, bridged by application and experience in a smaller cohort group of 8-10 guided by a mentor.  You will enroll and participate in the complete set of Gatherings.





LEADERBUILD is not just a source of information, static tools, another seminar or a typical classroom.  It is a collection of integrated, applied experiences, insight, and practical tools that tackle the challenges and opportunities that you face.  All LEADERBUILD faculty and mentors are followers of Jesus Christ with real-world leadership experience – not primarily academics.


Leadership can be lonely. But it doesn’t have to be. We intentionally designed LEADERBUILD as a collaborative to equip you with relationships that will last beyond LEADERBUILD’s time commitment.  LEADERBUILD welcomes participants from all sectors: business and professional services, churches, not-for-profits/ministries, public or military service, education, and government/politics.


If you are willing, LEADERBUILD will refresh you, stretch your thinking, take you out of your comfort zone, give you new experiences, and challenge you to apply what you learn to transform results and relationships where you lead.  We believe that God’s way works in the real world.  Transformed, effective leaders develop healthy, productive teams, workplaces and communities that will have a lasting, meaningful impact on our city.   


You will emerge from this experience transformed in your leadership with allies, tools, and momentum.


REGISTER ONLINE NOW TO HOLD YOUR PLACE.  Enrollment in the inaugural cohort is limited to 48 leaders.


TUITION DUE:  You will be billed for an additional $50 late penalty if tuition is paid after January.